Family conflict is normal. In fact, you’ll rarely find a family that doesn’t become embroiled in arguments that can last several days, weeks, or even a lifetime. However, when family conflicts have the potential to tear families apart and make reunions and birthday gatherings far more awkward than they need to be, it can be worth understanding what leads to them in the first place. When you know the most common conflict causes, you can be suitably placed to potentially avoid them. 


Many people reach out to family lawyers when their families are engaged in disagreements over money. Sometimes, those disagreements can be small, like one family member not chipping in for a shared expense. Other times, they can be complicated and last a lifetime, such as disputes over a loved one’s will and what they believe they’re owed. 

While there is no quick fix for money-based family conflicts, many families prevent them by ensuring that money is never taboo. Money conversations occur openly and honestly, ensuring everyone knows how each person feels about how it’s earned and spent.   

Family Business

Starting a business with your family members can seem like a great idea at the time. You might share skills and passion for something and believe it makes sense to turn it into a thriving business without requiring employees outside the family. 

However, unless you establish firm business boundaries from day one, family businesses can be a leading cause of family conflict. Issues that might otherwise stay in the workplace with non-family employees can sometimes come home with you and spill over into your personal life.

Without a resolution, family disputes within a business can lead to the collapse of what was perhaps otherwise a successful business. In fact, some sources state that family feuds are one of the leading causes of family business failure. 

Elderly Parent Care

Our parents care for us for much of our lives, and it’s hard to imagine there can come a time when the roles are reversed. However, as our parents get older and often develop health problems, they start to need us more than we need them. 

Not every adult child is in a position to provide the care an aging parent requires, and this can be a point of contention in families. If one sibling or family member puts in more effort than the others, it can lead to arguments. 

While you might not be able to avoid conflicts relating to parental care, there’s potential to reduce the risk by sitting down and having an open discussion with your parents before such care is required. They can discuss their wants and needs, and you can make a plan that suits all family members long before it must be implemented. 

In-Law Conflicts

Some families are blessed with parents-in-law who they cherish as much as their own parents. However, that’s not always the case. Some people find themselves continually clashing with overbearing or meddling parents-in-law, who then become a constant source of conflict. 

Studies support this. A 2022 study found that tension and disagreements were more prevalent among males and females with their mothers-in-law than their own mothers, and mothers faced more conflict and discontent with their daughters-in-law than their own daughters. 

Family conflicts aren’t unexpected, but they can tear families apart. By being aware of the leading causes, you might be better positioned to avoid and de-escalate arguments before long-lasting damage is done. 

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