When two individuals involved in an intimate or romantic relationship begin to demonstrate harmful behaviors towards each other, dating violence/abuse sets in. Abusive behaviors could include threats and injuries to private and public humiliation. This article highlights some of the most common types of dating violence/abuse and their corresponding remedies. 

  • Domestic Violence/Abuse 

During dating, partners could subject themselves to domestic violence. Any pattern of behavior in a relationship used to gain or exercise control over an intimate partner is termed domestic abuse. And continuous domestic violence can result in physical injury or death. 

Some signs point to domestic abuse. When your partner makes fun of you in public or plays down your strengths and accomplishments, you could be prone to domestic abuse. Domestic violence could also manifest as pressure, blame, and intimidation. 

Fortunately, there are a couple of ways to deal with domestic violence. The first step will be to decide to end the abuse. After which, you can begin to look out for signs of this abuse. Once recognized, you can prevent them by conversing with your partner or calling out for help. If it gets out of hand, you should involve a lawyer at criminallawgroup.com.au or other legal agencies to help with a case.

  • Physical Violence/Abuse  

Physical abuse often happens silently until it’s almost too late to remedy. When people hear of physical abuse, they often think of battering and punches. While physical abuse could involve these actions, it’s not the only way it happens. Being pushed aside, dragged along, driven recklessly, or roughly handled is physical abuse.  

In most cases, physical abuse occurs after emotional violence comprising verbal insults and abuses. Once emotions go wild, physical abuse becomes the next option the perpetrator can likely do.  

One way to deal with physical abuse is by speaking out. Regardless of how violent they may be, it sometimes is difficult to leave an abusive partner. Rather than suffer alone in silence, tell someone who can help with the situation. You may also want to give an abusive partner some distance apart or eventually involve a lawyer.

  • Emotional Violence/Abuse  

Emotional abuse is insidious; it takes dynamic forms and can be challenging. Emotional abuse could occur through yelling, downgrading comments, disrespecting boundaries, or ignoring one’s partner rather than giving them attention.  

Some emotional abusers may start with a charismatic attitude but later become wielders of unearned control. Once partners start criticizing each other, exchanging derogatory comments, and hauling abusive words at each other, it’s time to find a remedy to emotional violence.  

The treatments for emotional abuse include journaling, refusing to play the self-blame game, and breaking off engagement with the abuser. Journal your daily realities and stop thinking everything is your fault. And when you can, try to step back and have your own space.  

  • Psychological Violence/Abuse  

Psychological abuse usually involves the consistent and intentional use of words and non-physical actions to hurt, weaken, or devastate a person mentally and emotionally. Such measures could also be targeted towards damaging a person’s self-esteem and wellbeing. Compared with physical violence, psychological violence can be equally harmful.  

Overcoming psychological abuse would require the victim to familiarize themselves with what constitutes such abuse so they can quickly address it heads on. Once the signs are identified, they should be unacceptable and avoided. When things seem to have gone out of hand, it is best to seek legal and professional help.  

  • Sexual Violence/Abuse  

The word ‘sexual abuse’ often elicits a picture of a stranger victimizing a person. While this can be the case, it’s worth noting that sexual abuse can happen between two people dating.  

Behavioral patterns used to manipulate and exert control on a partner constitute sexual abuse. It could be forceful, unwanted, or nonconsensual sexual contact with a person. Sexual violence may involve or exclude other forms of abuse.  

When you’re experiencing sexual abuse in a relationship, one of the things you can do is confide in a friend or family member you can trust. After which, you seek ways to exit the relationship safely. In severe cases, you may need to engage the services of an attorney.  

  • Financial Violence/Abuse 

Financial violence frequently occurs in relationships, like other forms of abuse. Several cases of domestic violence resulted from financial abuse. Some of the signs of an abusive relationship involve controlling a person’s ability to possess and utilize financial resources.  

In a financially abusive relationship, you may be forbidden from working or somehow restricted by your partner. Sometimes, an abuser can deploy subtle manipulative tactics to abuse the victim. Financial abuse can create devastating effects. Aside from creating financial difficulties for the victim, it comes with some elements of emotional torture.  

An excellent way to respond to financial abuse is to identify your resources and ensure you have genuine proof of ownership. You can also deny the abuser access to your accounts by changing your passwords. Leaving the relationship is also a good idea.  


Most popular real-life murders result from dating violence and relationship abuse. Whichever way they come, they leave terrible effects on the victims. Recognizing signs of these abuses early increases the chances of preventing and addressing them. When it’s already happening, some of the best remedies will be seeking help, leaving the relationship, and consulting a lawyer. 

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